Follow Your Heartbreak: From Burned-Out to Inspired

Session Title: Follow Your Heartbreak: From Burned-Out to Inspired

Speaker: Kate Munding

Description: This past year has chewed up a lot of teachers and spit them out. The conditions were such that many left the profession and many more were left in doubt, asking, “why am I doing this again?” As this new school year gets into its rhythm, Now Children founder, Kate Munding, will take you on a journey to reconnect with your purpose and passion for teaching by following what activist writer, Andrew Harvey, calls our heartbreak. He says, “If you’re listening, if you’re awake to the poignant beauty of the world, your heart breaks regularly. Your heart is made to break; its purpose is to burst open again and again so that it can hold evermore wonders.” By getting in touch with what makes your heartbreak in education, you’ll find energy, passion, and purpose again.

Presenter Bio: Kate Munding has been teaching mindfulness to children and educators for over ten years. She has personally trained over 2500 professionals in the mindful awareness and compassion curriculum and more than 2000 K-12 students directly in their classrooms. She has experience in teaching parent programs, special day classrooms, afterschool programs, and summer camps. She has worked with educators and professionals around the United States and across the globe. She was the Director of Training for Mindful Schools for many years and the owner of Heart-Mind Education. In addition to her secular teaching, Kate is a Buddhist Meditation teacher and a member of Spirit Rock Meditation Center’s Teacher Council.


Sep 18 2021


Pacific Time
10:30 am - 11:30 am



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